Travel Photo Tuesday
The Wrangell Narrows are a 22 mile stretch of water between Wrangell and Petersburg in south-east Alaska. Navigating the narrows has been likened to playing nautical ping pong with a twist of Russian Roulette. Each turn of the ship must be lined up precisely with one of 60 navigational lights and buoys and the history of the narrows is littered with stories of vessels which failed to make it through.
Most cruise ships are too large for the passage and must head out to deeper water, missing the most exciting part of our journey on the
Alaska Marine Highway.
Continuing my (new) tradition of devoting Tuesdays to travel photos, today's post shows snippets of life aboard the Alaska Marine Highway, the ports at Wrangell and Petersburg and The Wrangell Narrows. Click
here for my blog post on our journey through the narrows.
How amazing is this! These tents are pitched on the back of a ship, and people actually sleep in them - on the way to Alaska. Check out the guy with the guitar.
Terimakasih anda telah membaca artikel tentang Alaska - Wrangell, Petersburg and the Wrangell Narrows. Jika ingin menduplikasi artikel ini diharapkan anda untuk mencantumkan link Terimakasih atas perhatiannya.