Hotel Review: -
The Zero Hotel, Valparaiso
- Location - Lautaro Rosas 343, Valparaiso, Chile.
- Quality - Very good. The room wasn't large but it was nicely furnished and comfortable.
- Service - Pleasant and helpful - everyone spoke perfect English.
- Highlight - The wonderful view out across the town to the harbour and the myriad of little restaurants close-by enough to walk to. The light and airy breakfast room was a lovely way to start each day.
- Bedding and bathrooms - Good quality sheets and towels.
- Would I recommend this hotel - Yes but only if price is not your prime consideration. It was very expensive.
- My tip - Eat at the Restaurant Montealegre. It is close by, has superb food, stunning views and very pleasant staff. The lamb was fabulous..
The Zero Hotel is a small private hotel on Cerro Allegre. It sits on the ocean side of the hill with views across the colourful urban tangle to the port. Like so many boutique hotels it is outrageously priced but this is not a place to economise by choosing a room without a view. Our room on the top floor was small and neat and nicely furnished. We spent several enjoyable afternoons relaxing in lounge chairs by our bedroom window soaking up the view.
Cerro Allegre and its neighbour Cerro Conception are slightly Bohemian; dotted with craft shops, hole in the wall art galleries, cafes and intimate little restaurants - perfect for wandering the alleys, ascensors and stairways by day and exploring the restaurants by night. Don't miss taking a ride on one of Valparaiso's Ascensors. The ascensors, or funiculars, were built in the days before the automobile in order to carry the population back to their hillside homes at the end of the day. Not all have survived but those that do are great fun and very cheap.
Ascensor Concepción, the city's oldest funicular is especially worth a visit. It is only a few minutes walk from the Hotel Zero.
Valparaiso is also famous for its murals. You will find a scattering of these in the streets around The Zero Hotel but the best are concentrated in an area called The Open Air Museum centred on the Hostel Bellavista.
To read about our time in
Valparaiso -
click here |
The Murals of Valparaiso |
The view from our room |
The colourful streetscapes of Valparaiso |
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